Business gift

Business Gift

Your gift with products from our land 

For Christmas 2024 Palazzo di Varignana Food proposes new gift ideas starring the wine and extra virgin olive oil of its land.

Various proposals that enclose a selection of top-quality products made by its own farm for a gift able to amaze even the most gluttonous and demanding palates and experience during the festive season moments of sharing under the banner of good taste.

Customize your gift

The value of a gift is multiplied by making it the bearer of personal messages. Dedicating a product by making a sign of uniqueness, standing out in creating a name, a phrase, a graphic sign, is the very essence of the gift idea.

This is why we have created a line of products that can be customized on the labels to make each gesture a unique one, to give a gift an original flavor. Simple, immediate, versatile and easily customizable, the creations of Palazzo di Varignana are thus the ideal tool to carry a message.

Download the Catalogue Business Gift